IMEMA/ISIM symposium

Pre-Congress Course ISHAM2025
International meeting on endemic myoses of the Americas (IMEMA) and International symposium on implantation mycoses (ISIM)
Date: Tuesday, 20th May
Location: Bourbon Cataratas Convention Center. Iguaçu Falls-Brazil

Snapshot on the epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment of endemic and implantation mycoses

IMEMA is a leading international forum focusing on the latest advances and research in endemic mycoses affecting the Americas. ISIM is dedicated to the study and management of implant mycoses. IMEMA-ISIM are fundamental to the understanding and combating these infections in the clinical setting and contribute significantly to the advancement of our understanding and strategies to address these major health issue.

This prestigious event will bring together leading experts and researchers from around the world to discuss the latest advances and challenges in these mycoses.

We look forward to your participation.*

*Upon registration for the ISHAM Congress, it will be possible to register for the pre-congress courses.

Organizing Committee

Norma B. Fernández (Argentina)
Flavio de Queiroz Telles (Brazil)
Beatriz Gomez (Colombia)
Gustavo Giusiano (Argentina)
Guillermo García Effron (Argentina)
Diego Cáceres (Colombia)
Karina Ardizzoli (Argentina)
Julián Serrano (Argentina)
Cristina Canteros (Argentina)
Roberto Suarez- Álvarez (Argentina)
Marcus Texeira (Brazil)

If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us: